Hi, I have a secondary content license in grades 5-9 and 7-12. I would like to obtain the elementary license (1-6) because I have the gifted extension and I would love to do gifted enrichment or teach a self-contained gifted upper elementary class. (NYC has a lot of classes designated as gifted.)

Since I completed my MA at Hofstra, I asked the certification office what I needed to do. They told me to apply on-line and see what deficiencies the state finds on my transcripts. I will probably have to take classes in science, math, and elementary pedagogy.

Has anyone obtained an elementary license after they had a secondary license? Did you take undergraduate or graduate level classes? Where did you take your classes? I want it to be as cheap as possible so I'd prefer to take them in a public institution. Can they be taken on-line? I live in Nassau so should I have Nassau BOCES evaluate my transcripts or have the state evaluate it?

Ideally, I'd like to have my elementary license for the 2012-2013 school year and I'm willing to cram in as many classes as necessary to be certified in childhood ed by then. I hope it can be done!